Try Using a Diary Mask
There are tons of different ways how you can get rid of freckles especially, through natural ways. Some people add fake freckles due to their fine obsession and some want to tone them down. Hence, no matter what the reason is, the first way how you can remove freckles or lower them is by using a diary mask. You should use a milk-based mask and give it time to soak into the skin. For this, you can also consider getting a facial at home to ensure you are doing it the right way and also for easiness.
The reasoning behind this is that the lactic acid in the milk helps to peel away the first layer of the skin. Therefore, this makes it lighter and also removed the top layer of freckles on face, leaving them not as dark and visible. You can make your own dairy mask at home but ensure to include milk in it so that it does its job.you choose Salon services at home to get rid of the freckles. If you are unaware of any dairy mask to make at home then you can always use the recipe given below:
Use sour cream to spread it over the areas where there are freckles. Let it sit for 10 minutes and then you can rinse it away with cold water. Another way you can do this is by using milk wash by using whole milk and rubbing it over your face. Let it sit for 10 minutes and pat dry using cold water and a towel.
Use Fruits As a Fruit Peel Mask
There are different fruits that can strip away the intensity of the freckles with ease. Therefore, you can always make a fruit mask using strawberries and kiwis. Freckles on face are not hard to remove but, it does take time to get rid of them because you will have to keep repeating the steps to make them lighter and then fade away. The sticky fruits will bond and stick with the skin and when you peel it away gently, you will have great fresh skin as well as faded freckles.
You should apply a fruit face mask on top of dry skin and where you have the most freckles. You can also rub the mixture on the areas where you have more freckles and then let it dry completely before taking it off. You can leave it on for 20 minutes. You can also try other fruits such as apricots or cucumbers.
Use Lemon Juice As An Extractor
Lemon has some bleaching elements fitted in which makes it good to use for all kinds of extraction for the skin. Hence, this is also why you will see lemon as an ingredient in different pre-made face masks. Lemon juice works best on natural freckles and you can use it with ease as well. All you will need is some fresh lemons and squeeze out the juice. Using a cotton ball, and dipping it in the lemon juice, you should apply it to the freckles and let it soak for 10-15 minutes and then you can clean it off using cold water.
However, you should be cautious here because lemon juice can also irritate the skin especially if you have sensitive skin. Hence, it is best that you choose Salon services at home to get rid of the freckles. The beauticians are professionals and they will have the right trick up their sleeves to help you get rid of freckles on face easily.